Architect, practising interior designer, PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning
2008–2012, licensed architect-technician, Kharkiv College of Architecture, Construction and Design; 2012−2016, BA and MA, Kharkiv Beketov National University of Municipal Engineering;
2016−2020, PhD student, Kharkiv Beketov National University of Municipal Engineering, Specialization 191 Architecture and Urban Planning. Defended a thesis on Innovative Principles of Forming the Visual-Communicative Environment of a Contemporary City, PhD in Architecture, Specialization 191 Architecture and Urban Planning.
Participant of national and international research conferences and workshops. Published articles in national and international SCOPUS and Index Copernicus journals.
Besides research, practises architecture. A former staff member of S-Invest construction company and HB Interiors; an Interior designer (layout solutions, drawings, and project documentation).
In September 2021, joined the KhSA team.
Link to thesis
Link to research index
e-mail: [email protected]