Master’s Degree Programme at the Kharkiv School of Architecture provides an environment for modern architectural practice. The two-year intensive programme is designed for those who have already acquired basic competences for architectural project work and who are eager to get an impetus for their professional development in the international context.
The programme aims at training a new generation of Ukrainian architects who will obtain the most relevant internationally applicable competences in architectural design and construction based upon the following principles: ecological awareness, technological expedience and conceptual intensity.
During the two years of study, the students implement a range of individual and group term projects and prepare an individual diploma project. All the students' projects use up-to-date research and design methods and are designed for existing contexts.
Field work with real-life projects and clients. Studying relevant international practice of analysis, design and adjustment of the developed environment, applied to the context of local examples from Ukrainian cities.
The Studio as a unique environment for such work, which every student can adjust to his/her own needs. On-going training within a students’ group. The students will continuously interact with the city, the context and the public, engaging them in the implementation of their projects.
Team work and engagement of Ukrainian and international experts from various fields. The structure of an integrated project: all academic disciplines are selected and arranged in such a way as to enable the students to implement complex architectural projects set by the xLAB by applying the knowledge they acquire during the training process.
Програма розроблена у відповідності до професійних стандартів Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Акцентом програми є вивчення відповідної глобальної практики дослідження, проєктування та адаптації забудованого середовища.
191 Architecture and Urban Planning
Resolution No. 227-L dated 02 April 2019
Архітектура та середовище
120 ECTS credits
2 years
Master’s Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning
Ukrainian, English
60 000 per semester
The best enrollees are entitled to grants offered by architectural offices of Ukraine
an interactive mode of training, which includes applied research, working with the client at a part of the project, on-going consultations with the tutors and experts to resolve complex design tasks, group work and individual work.
intensive practice-oriented seminars with Ukrainian and international experts, architects and researchers.
taking students and tutors on field trips to specific localities or objects with the aim of research or survey.
Участь та організація публічних заходів. Презентації та обговорення своїх проектів.
Можливість потрапити в найкращі офіси України та світу.
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The Programme focuses on continuous practice, so, the students will literally go outside and plunge into the context, try new things and experiment. During this process, the students will be supervised by tutors – architectural practitioners from Ukraine and other countries. During the two years of study, the students implement 3 term projects and prepare an individual diploma project. All the student projects will be designed for existing contexts and will apply modern research and cutting-edge design methods. Master’s Degree Programme aims at providing continuous training within a students’ group based on the enrollee’s personal achievements and the tutors’ experience, as well as engagement of local communities and various interdisciplinary groups.
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